Welcome to 2017!
Before we kick off the New Year, let’s take a moment to look back at our joint efforts and milestones from 2016.
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Here’s a snapshot of our top blog posts from 2016:
2017 Student Success Conference
The 2017 Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities, second annual Student Success Conference will take place on March 23- 24, 2017 at the UCF college of Hospitality Management in Orlando Florida. Read more
The National Science Foundation Awards Millions to Florida Consortium Member Institutions
Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities member institutions will receive $1.5 million grant each from the National Science Foundation. Each institution will fund student scholarships aimed at increasing the number of graduates in computer and information technology fields of study. Read more
The Benefits of Collaboration in Higher Education
In its first full year, the Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities, a partnership between Florida International University, University of Central Florida and University of South Florida delivered key achievement on their collaborative efforts. One of the major wins during this first year brought together 75 science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) faculty to investigate student success in STEM fields of study. Read more
Latinos in the Sunshine State: National Council of La Raza Economic Conditions Report
The National Council of La Raza is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. The Council recently published: Latinos in the Sunshine State: Building a Brighter Economic Future. After reading this report, one could argue that the Hispanic community’s economic well-being provides insight on the economic health and future of this nation. Read more
Florida Consortium members attend AAC&U High Impact Practices Conference – Develop Process Model
Six members from the Florida Consortium Pillar Teams met with experts in collaborative outcomes and processes in Los Angeles during the week of June 20-24 to learn about how to strengthen their multi-institutional work and create an efficient model for future efforts. One of the biggest challenges facing higher education consortium like the Florida Consortium is the ability to work and communicate over space and make time on task more efficient. Read more
Florida Economy Mirrors Nation in Value of a Bachelor’s Degree
According to a new report by the Georgetown University Center for Education and the Workforce the vast majority of workers who have benefited from the recovery of the recession were workers who have at least a bachelor’s degree. Read More
Florida Consortium joins Florida Reach to assist homeless and foster students
Higher education continues to be a major avenue to economic and personal achievement. A study by the group Payscale showed that an investment in one of the three Florida Consortium universities yields an average annual return on your investment of 9.9% versus an annual return on your stock market investment of 6 to 7%. Read more
On The Road: 2016 Florida College Access Summit
Industry leaders, educators and practitioners representing K-12, higher education, philanthropy, business, and government will join forces at the 2016 Florida College Access Summit May 11-12 in Orlando. The robust program includes sessions on college affordability, Florida’s diverse student populations, innovative scholarship models, non-academic supports for college students, career pathways to postsecondary credentials, aligning workforce needs with postsecondary programs and much more! Read More
Virtual Career Fair – Students in the Florida Consortium access jobs in their pajamas
Job hunters, start your computers! As the 2016 university calendar comes to a close the three members of the Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities; Florida International University, University of Central Florida, and University of South Florida are expected to graduate nearly 12,000 students. Read More
Sprint, Stroll, or Stumble Florida Consortium members prepare students for their best career path
New York Times article author Jeffery Selingo outlines the three types of college job seekers and their paths to a career. The three types are classified as Sprinters, Strollers, or Stumblers and the direction they tend to set off for in their journey. The challenge to universities and their career services departments are to figure out which students are whom and match a career direction made for their personality. But first universities need to understand who these student are. Read more
Florida Consortium partners with Helmsley Trust to assist STEM Students
The Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities, a partnership between Florida International University, The University of Central Florida, and The University of South Florida is pleased to announce they have been awarded a $500,000 grant by the Leona M. and Harry S. Helmsley Charitable Trust to build faculty learning communities in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to assist students who wish to pursue a STEM major to navigate and excel in their chosen field of study. Read more
Happy New Year from everyone at the Florida Consortium.
We’re looking forward to furthering our efforts with member institutions and community partners. And we plan to have fun while we do so throughout 2017!