Our Story


The Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities is a collaborative partnership between Florida International University, the University of Central Florida, and the University of South Florida, operationally formed with consultation and support from the Helios Education Foundation.




Together our universities leverage the unique assets of Miami, Orlando, and Tampa  to develop talent which enhances community well-being.






We strengthen Florida’s talent pipeline through sharing ideas and scaling solutions which accelerate learner achievement and expand access to economic opportunity.



Our Commitment

The Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities emerged from a common commitment to transforming students’ lives and the metropolitan areas that we serve at Florida International University in Miami, the University of Central Florida in Orlando and the University of South Florida in Tampa Bay. Together our three institutions share the following vision:

Success For All

We serve our student bodies and promote success for all students of all backgrounds, no matter what socioeconomic status.

Strength Together

As public research universities that also have earned the Carnegie Classifications of Community Engagement for Curricular Engagement, and Outreach and Partnerships

Improve Lives

A preference for collaborative work to improve the lives and livelihoods of Florida's next-generation workforce and leaders

Our Partners

The combination of resources, expertise, and commitment allows the Florida Consortium to launch and complete initiatives at a speed and scale that none of the universities could attain individually. Each university has independently launched student success initiatives that have already improved college completion rates.

By integrating their efforts in a meaningful way, the three institutions can accelerate the pace and extent of change. By producing more career ready graduates with lower debt, better training, and adaptable skill sets, the Florida Consortium will drive the economic development of Florida.

Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research
12201 Research Pkwy Suite #'s 101N, 101P, 101K 
Orlando, FL 32826


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