July 26, 2018 is the second annual National Intern Day presented by WayUp! Hundreds of companies and organizations around the nation – including large employers such as Ralph Lauren, BlackRock, EY, and social good organizations like Meals on Wheels, She’s the First, and the Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities– will recognize hard-working interns on this day. WayUp created National Intern Day to shine a light on the vital contributions interns make to the organizations that they work for. At the Florida Consortium, we believe internships are critical component of learning and career readiness preparation for students. The benefits of structured internships often occur long after graduation. Here are some fun facts about Dante Mugnaini, the Florida Consortium’s first official summer intern:
Tell us about yourself:
My name is Dante Mugnaini. I am interning directly under LaToya Hodge in the department of Communications and Strategy. To introduce myself, I will briefly touch on my academic background, what I will be doing during my two months interning here, and what I hope to gain from working with this public-spirited partnership. I have been a student at the University of South Florida since 2016, working towards receiving my Bachelor’s degree in English with a focus in Professional Writing, Rhetoric, and Technology.
Describe your academic program at USF?
The title of the program speaks for itself; essentially, I was provided with instruction on how to effectively communicate ideas to a targeted audience in my writing. The courses I’ve taken have allowed me to practice various writing techniques that can be employed to help one transmit a clear message through different channels.
What are you working on at the Florida Consortium and how has your program at USF helped?
Through the program, I’ve gained experience as a technical writer, worked with digital media to produce compelling graphics, learned how one can integrate rhetorical devices with social media posts, even such things as how to write an e-mail in a professional setting. The most valuable things I’ve learned, however, have their roots in technology and digital platforms. I found that the older forms of written communication, such as speech writing and business letters, weren’t stressed with the same importance as those like Facebook and Twitter posts, blogs, newsletters, and other internet based mediums. Using these, I will be helping the Florida Consortium publicize their ideas, events, solutions, and findings on student success.
What else should readers know about you?
I look forward to sharing some of my own opinions on various career readiness services and other student success programs provided by universities from the perspective of a student. With that being said, I hope that my contribution in the area of communications will help the partnership reach their goal of increasing the number of college graduates and preparing them for work outside of school. I have some interesting projects coming up that will give me a chance to share some content revolving around career readiness, enrollment, research, and partnership, so stay tuned by following and checking in on the Florida Consortium’s profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!
Useful Reading: