Florida Jobs 2030 highlights projected shifts in Florida’s labor market along with the changing landscape of skills required for 21st-century jobs.  The report also provides recommendations for policymakers, educators, and Florida’s business community which include:

  • Deepen and expand cross-sector collaboration,
  • Foster opportunities for targeted skills development that is responsive to economic shifts,
  • Improve statewide career awareness and counseling,
  • Streamline transitions between high school, postsecondary, and workforce and create a more seamless pipeline between education and the workforce, and
  • Adopt a data-driven approach to meeting Florida’s needs for a 21st century workforce

The report highlights career pathways and crystallized implications for Florida’s middle skill workers along with disruptive trends and the growing need for digital skills.

Florida Jobs 2030 is part of the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Florida 2030 project, a research initiative that will build on the recommendations from the Chamber’s Cornerstone report.

Read the Florida 2030 Jobs report

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