The Equal Measure evaluation approach focused on three of the five goal areas in the Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities' 2019-2024 Strategic Plan—Student Achievement, Career Success, and Fostering Conditions for Success. The evaluation relied on document review and qualitative data collected from a range of stakeholders in the Consortium as well as external partners in Florida. The scope was designed to answer a set of key questions aligned with early conversations with Consortium staff, the Helios Education Foundation, and operational leads at each university:
- In what ways and to what extent is the Consortium and its three university partners making progress on its student-centered goals through a selection of project-based initiatives?
- What processes and implicit factors undergird the Consortium’s approach and effectiveness?
- How can the Consortium leverage its external communications and partner relationships to advance its work?
- How can the Consortium continue to track its progress and refine its approaches with indicators tailored to its impacts?
Read Equal Measure Executive Summary
Read the Full Equal Measure Evaluation Report
Watch the President's Council Equal Measure Evaluation Broadcast on Florida Consortium TV
Read the Equal Measure Florida Consortium Placemat
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