Future of Talent: South Florida Recap

Future of Talent: South Florida Recap

What will the workplace of the future demand as we move deeper and deeper into the 21st century? The Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities recently posed this question during the Future of Talent a gathering of education, business, and civic leaders...
Florida Consortium Newsletter 2019 Issues

Florida Consortium Newsletter 2019 Issues

Higher education news you can use! The Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities provides timely insight into regional news and trends shaping higher education in Florida. The newsletters cover topics such as policy, employability, tech, innovations in...
2020 National Student Success Conference

2020 National Student Success Conference

Focussing on Innovation National Student Success Conference  March 1-3, 2020  Three plenary sessions and 36 workshops all focused on student success. Explore the full schedule of forward-thinking speakers who will share their insights and expertise in plenary sessions...
Want to Innovate?

Want to Innovate?

Why is it so hard to introduce and transition to data-driven student success solutions?According to the State of Innovation in Higher Education, 78% of survey participants rated their university as either a follower (albeit an early adopter) or not innovative at all....