*Academic Consortium to Cultivate Engineering and Science Opportunities



The number of domestic Latina/o/x PhD graduates in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields is half what it should be considering our country’s demographics. This disparity limits our ability to solve the complex problems that face the world.


By strengthening the connections between regional non-doctoral, private academic institutions (NPIs) and R1 (doctoral/very high research activity) Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs - FIU and UCF) and an emerging R1 HSI (USF), ACCESO aims to increase the number of Latina/o/x graduate students who will enter the STEM workforce.

Leveraging STEM resources available through the Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities (FCMRU) and regional NPIs that are member institutions of the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), ACCESO is a pilot project to develop a graduate pathway for undergraduate students in STEM.

Students from CIC institutions will have opportunities to engage in ongoing summer research activities at the FCMRU, attend a multidisciplinary/multicultural national STEM conference, and prepare to enter graduate school.

*Click on titles below to go to the direct link for the REUs


Florida International University logo

ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling

Principal Investigator: Dr. Niki Pissinou

Department/Center: Computer Science

Sloan Targeted Disciplines: Computer Science


Understanding Coastal Ecosystems - From the Everglades to the Coral Reefs

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Rita Teutonico

Department/Center: College of Arts and Sciences and Education

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:
Environmental Sciences

Cell Met (Cellular Metamaterials) 

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Arvind Agarwal

Mechanical and Material Engineering 

Sloan Targeted Disciplines: Engineering

PATHS-UP (Precise Advanced Technologies and Health Systems for Underserved Populations)

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Jessica Ramella

Department/Center: Biomedical Engineering

Sloan Targeted Disciplines: Engineering  

UCF Academic Logo

Advanced Technologies for Hypersonic, Propulsive, Energetic and Reusable Platforms (HYPER)

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Ali P. Gordon

Aerospace Engineering

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:

Engineering and Nanoscience of Materials and Device Applications in Biotechnology and Medicine

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Andre Gesquiere

Materials Science

Sloan Targeted Disciplines: Chemistry, Engineering 

Conservation, Restoration, and Communication

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Linda Walters


Sloan Targeted Disciplines:
Biology, Marine Science

Research for Undergraduates in Computer Vision

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Mubarak Shah

Computer Science

Sloan Targeted Disciplines: Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics

Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars through Community GIS and Citizen Science

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Timothy Hawthorne

Department/Center: Sociology

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:
Earth Science 

Water sustainability in the urban environment: Improving the sustainable use of water through interdisciplinary research

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Philip Van Beynen

Department/Center: Geosciences

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:


REU Site on Ubiquitous Sensing

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Yu Sun

Computer Science & Engineering

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:
Computer Science, Engineering 

Applied Physics at the University of South Florida 

Principal Investigator:
Dr. David Rabson

Department/Center: Physics

Sloan Targeted Disciplines: Physics

Weather, Climate, and Society: An Interdisciplinary approach integrating physical and social sciences

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Jennifer Collins

Department/Center: Geosciences

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:
Earth Sciences


REU in Functional Materials and Manufacturing at University of South Florida 

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Venkat Bhethanabotla

Materials and Manufacturing Institute

Sloan Targeted Disciplines:
Chemistry, Engineering

*Based on 2022 REUs, those available for 2023 are currently under review. 

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