We strengthen Florida’s talent pipeline by sharing ideas and scaling solutions which accelerate learner achievement and expand access to economic opportunity.
Changing Lives

Supporting Student Success

Sharing Knowledge

The Consortium at Work: STEM College to Career Initiative
Since 2016, the Florida Consortium has been working to achieve a higher success rate of students entering the STEM field after high school who complete a university program and ultimately obtain a career in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.
What People Say About the Consortium

“If we work together, we can achieve even greater things. When we looked at how we impact the state, we felt we could advance the success of our students if we work together.”
Paul Dosal, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Student Success, University of Central Florida

“We saw this as a really unique partnership opportunity, one that we have not been able to find anywhere else in the country, where three universities of this stature have come together. It’s a model that I think really needs to be shared and championed across the country.” President and Chief Executive Officer Paul Luna, Helios
Paul Luna
President and Chief Executive Officer, Helios Education Foundation

“Working together, the Consortium will increase the number of underrepresented and limited income students graduating with high-demand skill sets, and emphasize career readiness and success for our graduates, elevating their competitive position in the workforce and in advancing to graduate or first professional programs.”
Ralph Wilcox, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice President, University of South Florida
Consortium News
Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research
12201 Research Pkwy Suite #’s 101N, 101P, 101K
Orlando, FL 32826
*Inside the UCF Connect Offices